by twcadmin | Jun 1, 2017
Lip Stars Have you ever wanted to top the charts? Perhaps you didn’t quite feel had the voice or moves. Lip stars is for you! We provide all the resources and support to have your own dance and lip sync competition! A great team event that can bring the entertainment...
by twcadmin | Jun 1, 2017
What A Production Lights, Camera, Action Budding Peter Jacksons here’s your big break! Teams will form a production crew to make a television commercial or short movie. Assigned roles within the team give all the opportunity to contribute. This event is great to...
by twcadmin | Jun 1, 2017
Shaken not Stirred Shaken not Stirred A Cocktail Challenge like no other A great pre-dinner or conference mix and mingle activity. In teams, the challenge is to create your own cocktail and mocktail complete with a memorable name and presentation...